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Who is Lifehouse Church?


Who is Lifehouse Church?

Lifehouse church started in 2002 from the Assemblies of God churches (AOG) Australia and by the Australian Christian Churches InternationalThis group of churches in Australia is now called Australian Christians Churches (ACC). There are now over 1,000 churches in our movement in Australia. All our Lifehouse pastors are accredited with ACC. We are a regular Protestant church, adhering to the Nicene Creed, as well as the ACC statement of faith.

This statement of faith is the same as the Assemblies of God USA.

We are associated with Hillsong Church Network, and have a close relationship with Hillsong Churches.

We are also in association with Associated of Related Churches, USA (ARC).
We are in good relationship with hundreds of significant Protestant churches in Japan, Hong Kong, Indonesia, New Zealand, USA, Britain etc.
Lifehouse Church has had a close relationship with New Hope Tokyo Church .
Pastor Rod and Pastor Talo Sataraka have been close friends for 13 years and share a love and vision for Japan!
All our finances are checked monthly with official auditors.
We are also audited by our Australian CPI accountants yearly.

We are currently overseeing a new Japanese Bible translation under the auspices of the Bible League, International, Dallas USA.
This is not to replace the current Japanese Bibles such as the ShinKaiYaku Version or the Japanese Living Bible.
The ALIVE version is a new easy-to-read Japanese Version especially for new Christians and those seeking to read the Bible for the first time.
This project is under the scrutiny of Dr Yancy Smith and his team of Academic experts in Greek New Testament  and Hebrew Old Testemant.

We are happy to be producing the Joyce Meyer Minitries TV show “Enjoying Everyday Life” in Japanese, as well being the official translators of her books.

Good News TV on CGNTV also airs our preaching every week.

Pastor Rod Plummer has been an ordained pastor with ACC for over 30 years, pastoring in both Australia and Japan.

He previously pastored New Hope Church, Toowoomba. He celebrates his 30th wedding anniversary in December this year (2015), and is happily married to Pastor Viv Plummer.

Lifehouse Church have a deep love for the people of Japan, and are training many Japanese to be pastors.

Lifehouse Church is delighted to partner with effective groups in missions.
We partner with Pastor Marlo and Sherill Philips in Tejas Asia New Delhi in financially supporting hundreds of children from poorer areas.
Lifehouse church also supports Pastor Edgar and Edna Bantigue and Christ Faith Fellowship, Cebu, Philippines in crisis relief work.

Lifehouse church recenlty partnered with EveryNation Church and Grace Bible Church Yokohama in helping the victims of the Nepal earthquake.

Lifehouse church also helped 300 young victims of the Tohoku tsunami of 2011 escape the disaster zone, and relocated them in a loving home for a few weeks.
Tohoku Relief Homestay was supported and partnered by All Nippon Airways, American Airlines, Qantas Airlines, and New Zealand Airlines.



















Lifehouse Tokyo


生命堂教會是由澳洲神召會( Assemblies of God churches (AOG))及澳洲基督教會國際宣教事工(Australian Christian Churches International.)於2002年建立。這宗派現名為「澳洲基督教會」(Australian Christians Churches (ACC))。現時澳洲(Australia)有超過1,000間ACC教會。我們所有生命堂教會的牧師均為ACC認可。我們是一間主流基督新教教會,相信尼西亞信經,以及ACC的信仰宣言(ACC statement of faith)。

這信仰宣言亦與美國神召會(Assemblies of God USA)相同。

我們隸屬新頌教會全球網絡(Hillsong Church Network), 與各新頌教會(Hillsong Churches)也有密切關係。

我們也隸屬美國的Associated of Related Churches, USA (ARC)


生命堂教會與東京的新希望教會( New Hope Tokyo Church) 有密切的關係。Rod 牧師與 Talo Sataraka牧師成為好友已達13年之久,他們一同擁有對日本的愛和異象。

我們所有的財務每月會由正式的審計師查核。而每年亦有澳洲會計師公會註冊會計師(Australian CPI accountants)為我們作年度審計。

在美國聖經協會(Bible League, International, Dallas USA.)的協助下,我們現正監督新日語聖經譯本的翻譯工作。其目的不是要去取代現有的日語聖經譯本,如譯本 ShinKaiYaku Version或是 Japanese Living Bible.。ALIVE 譯本 ( ALIVE version) 是一個新而易於閱讀的日語聖經板本,特別為新信徒及初次尋求閱讀聖經的對象而設。這計劃是由Dr Yancy Smith 與他精於希臘文新約聖經(Greek New Testament)及希伯來文舊約聖經(Hebrew Old Testemant)的學者專業團隊仔細審查。

我們很高興能參與製作 Joyce Meyer 事工(Joyce Meyer Minitries TV)的電視節目 “Enjoying Everyday Life”之日語翻譯,以及成為她所寫書籍的官方翻譯員。


Rod Plummer牧師(Pastor Rod Plummer)為ACC按立牧師已超過30年,在澳大利亞和日本從事牧養工作。Rod 牧師曾牧養澳洲圖文巴的新希望教會(New Hope Church, Toowoomba)。他與太太Pastor Viv Plummer 的婚姻幸福美滿,今年的12月是他們的30週年結婚紀念。

生命堂教會深愛日本人民(a deep love for the people of Japan),並培訓了許多日本人成為牧師。

生命堂教會很高興與各熱心的宣教團體合作。我們與Mario牧師和Sherill Philips牧師(Pastor Marlo and Sherill Philips)成為新德里亞洲光輝(Tejas Asia New Delhi)的合作夥伴,在財政上支持數百名來自貧困地區的兒童。生命堂教會也支持Edgar和Edna Bantigue牧師(Pastor Edgar and Edna Bantigue ),以及位於菲律賓宿務的Christ Faith Fellowship的危機救災工作。生命堂教會近年與其他兩間教會EveryNation ChurchGrace Bible Church Yokohama合作幫助尼泊爾地震(Nepal earthquake)遇難者。

生命堂教會亦幫助300名2011年日本東北海嘯 Tohoku tsunami of 2011的青少年受害者逃出災區,並安置他們在充滿愛的家庭裏寄宿了數星期。 救濟東北寄宿家庭計劃(Tohoku Relief Homestay)是由以下幾間航空公司贊助及合作促成,分別是All Nippon Airways, American Airlines, Qantas Airlines, 及New Zealand Airlines。

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